Is there a way to show the Caption text and a picture on a command button?
When I had the Caption text alone, the text showed fine. Then when I added
a picture via the Picture property, all that shows is the picture. The text
doesn't display anywhere.
You can't unless the text is part of the picture.
If you wish to add text to an existing command button picture, open
the form in design view.
Click Alt + Print Screen to copy the screen to the clipboard.
Open MSPaint.
Paste the clipboard.
Select the existing button picture you wish to add text to.
Cut it.
Click Edit + Select all.
Click Edit + Clear All
Click View + Attributes.
Set the Attributes to 50 by 50 Pixels
Paste the previously cut picture.
Now use the Text control to add your text.
Save the picture as a .bmp file.
Now use this bitmap as the picture on your command button.
Depending upon your familiarity with Paint, it may take you a couple
of practice tries to get it as you would like it to be. It took me
less than 5 minutes to do.