Text Box alignment


Jenny Fletcher

How do I find out the horizontal alignment of a Text Box?


Dim objShape As Word.Shape
Dim objParagraph as Word.Paragraph

For Each objShape In objParagraph.Range.ShapeRange
If objShape.Type = Office.MsoShapeType.msoTextBox Then
'here I want to know whether the TextBox is left
'or right aligned

End If

I'm using the Word 9.0 Object library.

I would be grateful for any insight.


Peter Hewett

Hi Jenny Fletcher

You can do it something like this:

Public Sub TextBoxIsLeftOrRight()

' Since it's possible to align the TextBox any number of
' ways, specifically check for the alignment options
' we're interested in
With ActiveDocument.Shapes(1)
If .Left = wdShapeLeft Then
MsgBox "The horizontal alignment is Left"
ElseIf .Left = wdShapeRight Then
MsgBox "The horizontal alignment is Right"
MsgBox "The horizontal alignment is neither Left or Right"
End If
End With
End Sub

Note, that though the code determines Left/Right horizontal alignment it does not tell you
whether that aligment is Margin/Page/Column etc.

How do I find out the horizontal alignment of a Text Box?


Dim objShape As Word.Shape
Dim objParagraph as Word.Paragraph

For Each objShape In objParagraph.Range.ShapeRange
If objShape.Type = Office.MsoShapeType.msoTextBox Then
'here I want to know whether the TextBox is left
'or right aligned

End If

I'm using the Word 9.0 Object library.

I would be grateful for any insight.


HTH + Cheers - Peter

Jenny Fletcher

Thanks - just the job!
-----Original Message-----
Hi Jenny Fletcher

You can do it something like this:

Public Sub TextBoxIsLeftOrRight()

' Since it's possible to align the TextBox any number of
' ways, specifically check for the alignment options
' we're interested in
With ActiveDocument.Shapes(1)
If .Left = wdShapeLeft Then
MsgBox "The horizontal alignment is Left"
ElseIf .Left = wdShapeRight Then
MsgBox "The horizontal alignment is Right"
MsgBox "The horizontal alignment is neither Left or Right"
End If
End With
End Sub

Note, that though the code determines Left/Right
horizontal alignment it does not tell you

Jay Freedman

Note, that though the code determines Left/Right horizontal alignment
it does not tell you whether that aligment is Margin/Page/Column etc.

You can get that information by checking the shape's
..RelativeHorizontalPosition to see whether it's
wdRelativeHorizontalPositionColumn, wdRelativeHorizontalPositionMargin, or

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