Text box behavior difference


Anand Nichkaode

Hi all,

We are using Excel for reporting in our organization.
Basically there is a Java web application which instantiates Excel 2007 with
an XLA. This XLA opens a Report Template(an .xls file, name supplied as
command line parameter). The Template has a data sheet where we have multiple
ranges and the Report sheet which shows the final report based on the data
from the DataSheet. The ReportSheet contains formulas to show the final
output. It could contain Charts/Graphs also. The data is fetched from SQL
server and is pasted on the Ranges. And finally when all the data is pasted
and Macro is run the Template is saved as a Final Report somewhere on the
Report Server.

The Excel runs in the background in all this process. There could be
multiple instances of Excel running on the same box. The instances run under
separate WindowStation.

The template can have macros which would be executed by the XLA. In this
it was observed that some of the Text boxes loose their formatting (font,
alignment) after setting the Text box's formula as empty. (This is supposed
be the default behavior of Text box in Excel 2007). This is basically done to
delink textboxes from formulas. So we have removed delinkinng code and
are deleting the sheet which is referred by Textboxes.

When this template is processed and the output opened from a machine where
we have
Excel 2000/2003 installed, the Text boxes don't show any values. But the same
output when opened from the machine where there is Excel 2007 installed
shows the
Text boxes with value although formula for the Text boxes shows #Ref error in
both the cases.

I am just out of clues.

Any help appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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