Just put the Column references directly in the Control Source
of each text box. There's no need to use the Click event at all
(at least not for this purpose).
Sean Bailey
Rpettis31 said:
Since the text box are not filled until the click event how do I get rid of
the #error that is prefilled in the text box?
Correction. That should be;
(forgot the closing parentheses in my first post)
Sean Bailey
The properties of the text box are set as currency. The control source is set
up on the listbox to a column. I have tried to format the text box in code
on the list box click event to display the correct format?
Did you set the text box format? Formats do not carry through unless it
changes the data to text.
The value is correct but the format is not correct the properties show as
Currency the list box value is currency yet this displays in a non currency
Listbox value will show $10.89 and the text boxt will show 10.89112
but the value in the text box does not display correctly?
No idea what to suggest as I can not see what it is displaying.
I have set a few text box set to some values on a list box based on the user
selection. However the text box is not showing the correct format. The list
box column value is correct. The properties on the text box are set to
currency but the value in the text box does not display correctly?