Text box is not Unicode enabled?



Hi, I have the same problem. I put some Greek characters, eg Σ, into
a textbox and I can't change the typeface to any other than Arial, not
even to a typeface that has a glyph for Σ. What have I done wrong?
In Word, I have the Greek letters showing correctly Century font. But
if I Copy and Paste into PowerPoint, it will change to Arial.

Help, help. Thanks.

From: wj - view profile
Date: Tues, Dec 3 2002 2:00 am
Email: "wj" <[email protected]>
Groups: microsoft.public.powerpoint
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I'm having trouble with PowerPoint deciding that it wants
to use Arial Unicode MS when I want to use Palatino
Linotype to type polytonic (classical) Greek. I type
using Palatino Linotype, then save. When I open or view
the presentation again, PowerPoint substitutes Arial
Unicode MS font for the font I want.

Any suggestions?



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