text box line



When I daw a text box, it leaves a black line around the box. I've gone to
tools/options/gerean and unchecked Automatically Create Drawing

Please help. Thanks

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Double-click the text box border to open the Format Text Box dialog. On the
Colors and Lines tab, choose No Line (this has nothing to do with the
drawing canvas). If you want this to be the default for text boxes in your
document, after you have removed the line, right-click on the text box and
choose Set AutoShape Defaults. If you want this as the default for all text
boxes in all documents, you'll need to do this in Normal.dot. Note, however,
that this will apply to *all* AutoShapes, so if you draw a rectangle, it
will have no line, and if it also has No Fill (or white), you won't be able
to find it again once you've clicked away from it.

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