Text box option



Is there a way a text box to keep the last value from the last saved form?
For example, if I fill a text box with a value and save the form, I want the
same value to display in the next form without having to fill it again.

S.Y.M. Wong-A-Ton

Your question unclear. If you save a form and open the same form, the value
should be there. If you have two different forms that share the same value,
you'll have to store the mutual value somewhere central where both forms can
change/access it. For example, you can create a web service that will store
the value to a database when the any form is saved, and then use a "retrieve
data connection" to the database to retrieve and display the value from the
database whenever a form is opened.


Sorry, I didn't mentioned that the form is linked to an access database and
we want the users that will fill this form don't have to fill again and again
this field (only when is necessary). So, when users submit the form, a new
record must created in access database and this specific field must keep the
last value, untill manually change it (for example if we go to another
client, we must change the field with his name).

S.Y.M. Wong-A-Ton

My previous suggestion still applies. You can either create a web service to
do the update of the field in the database for you whenever you submit the
form or you can write ADO code to update the field in the database whenever
you submit the form. For the web service you would need to add an extra
"Submit data connection", which would work side-by-side with your already
existing database connection. For the ADO code you would have to write code
to do all database submissions in the OnSubmitRequest event handler.

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