This is not a programming question but i would really appreciate some help.
Microsoft can't fix it.
In Publisher 2000 and earlier you could set the text box properties before
you drew a text box and then when you imported your text and the text flowed
over several pages, Publisher would create new text boxes with the properties
you set. This is no longer possible in Puiblisher 2003. If you set columns
these are maintained, but margins, gutters, cont from and cont on are all
lost. I would love some help.
Microsoft can't fix it.
In Publisher 2000 and earlier you could set the text box properties before
you drew a text box and then when you imported your text and the text flowed
over several pages, Publisher would create new text boxes with the properties
you set. This is no longer possible in Puiblisher 2003. If you set columns
these are maintained, but margins, gutters, cont from and cont on are all
lost. I would love some help.