Hi Sue,
Word 2007 supports two different graphics engines.
Using Insert=>Shape the Textbox choice is part of the older, legacy graphics engine and does not have a rotation handle.
If you use instead, Insert=>Shape and choose a plain shape, such as a rectangle, then right click the shape and choose 'Add text'
you can rotate the box shape, but the text will not rotate with it, although you can use the right angle text direction control on
the Ribbon under
Text Box Tools=>Format=>Text
For already inserted text boxes you can get the rotation handle by selecting the shape and on the
Text Box Tools=>Format=>Text Box Styles
ribbon, choose 'Change Shape' to select a rectangle. Note that once you have a shape other than a 'Textbox' that 'Change shape'
does not offer a textbox as one of the choices.
The link that Stefan provided gives other options to consider if you have Powerpoint 2007 or Publisher 2007 or Excel 2007, all of
which support rotating text with textboxes using only the newer Office 2007 engine and can then paste as graphic into Word. Even
though shapes in Excel 2007 can have object/'range' names, the shape names aren't usable in pasted pasted Links in Word.
When I create a text box, the rotate button is grayed out in Office 2007.
How can I rotate a text box? Thanks!
Sue <<
Bob Buckland ?

MS Office System Products MVP
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