Text box reverse



Using Window XP with Word 2003. I have a text box with dark brown fill and
white letters. The print preview shows it correctly, but printing it to two
separate printers shows only the brown background of the text box. Why will
the letters ot show in the print?

Keith Howell

I don't know but have you tried not coloring the text box and putting a
filled rectangle behind it. I know it works with WordArt fonts so perhaps
that is your way around the problem (don't forget to group the 2 objects to
lock them together

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Because your printer cannot print White.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Of course, it can, if the text is reversed out of a brown background, as
described. It usually helps to use a large, clear font (boldface), but if
the text isn't "printing" at all, then there is more than "dot gain" (ink
spread) involved here.

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