Text Box Sizes



I'm trying to make the text box larger on a form to allow
a user to input a large quantity of detail in paragraph
form. I've went into the table and set up the text box
properties, but it will not allow me to make it larger
than 250 characters. I was wondering if anyone knew if
there was a way to exceed the 250 characters without
having to create a 2nd text box to continue entering
information into. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Rick Brandt

Aaron said:
I'm trying to make the text box larger on a form to allow
a user to input a large quantity of detail in paragraph
form. I've went into the table and set up the text box
properties, but it will not allow me to make it larger
than 250 characters. I was wondering if anyone knew if
there was a way to exceed the 250 characters without
having to create a 2nd text box to continue entering
information into. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

The limit is 255, not 250. Change from text to memo on the DataType and then you get
around 64,000 characters.


Hi Arron

A text box can only store a maximum of 255 characters.
Change the data type of the field in the table to the Memo
data type which allows you to store up to 64000
characters - ideal for paragraphs.




-----Original Message-----

The limit is 255, not 250. Change from text to memo on the DataType and then you get
around 64,000 characters.


Thanks Rick. That did what I wanted it to do.


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