Text Box String Field with red Dash Borders



I am creating a form that has Professional Title as a drop Down list field
with about 30 entires. I have a State Board License Text Box String Field
with Data Validation that says if Professional Title is Not Blank and
Professional Title is = MD, RN, PA, PhD, etc then State Board License Field
is Required.

The issue is when I select Professional Title to (let's say) =MD, the State
Board License Field becomes required, I enter a number and then the box
appears as a red dash field. There is no requirements as to what can be
entered; why is the field turning red dashed. this was not happening when I
did not put any Data Validation to the field.

Any suggestions?

Thank you

Kalyan G Reddy MVP (GGK Tech)

You should use another text box and using Conditional formatting, show /Hide
the text boxes based on the values in Dropdown.
If you use datavalidation on the text box it will show the errors, because
it always look for some specific data you have mentioned in the
datavalidation. So create another text box and then put conditional
formatting to show this new text box and hide the old one when your
conditions are met.

Conditions on Existing Text box to hide should be my:field2 != "" = "MD"
where field2 is your Dropdown.

Conditions on New text box with required selected should be my:field2 != ""
!= "MD"

Hope this solves your Problem



Thank you for the suggestion.

I actually figured out the issue. I changed it so that if:
State Board License Field is blank and Professional Title = MD then field
is required.
Now when I enter data in the field I no longer get the red dash border.

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