text box to desk top



is it possible to paste a text box unto an existing desktop background image?
If so, how?


If you mean, using Word alone, can't immediately see how, as they don't seem
to have simple 'save drawing as' option to go with the normal save as.

You can insert a copy of your picture into a text box, then add another text
box and set it to semi-transparent to show your picture through. Then you
can select both the picture and the text box, group them, and paste them
into Paint or PhotoEditor and then save that as a jpg or bitmap which you
can then set as your desktop background. In practice, this can be fiddly,
as text boxes from Word, don't seem to fit the text very well when moved to
paint, and pictures pasted into photoeditor tend to come out too big...

'Easier to paste from' your picture file, into Paint, and then add your text
box there rather than Word. Shame they don't give that 'save drawing as'
option: Or do they?

Of course, creating your picture in a dedicated photo editing prog like
Photoshop, would give you many more options, but this is a Word thread...

Have fun,


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