Text Box with hyperlink


Cathy W

Hi. I have a text box on a report that generates a hyperlink from a db
connection and is then printed on a report to be sent electronically by PDF.
The link gets created fine but when it word wraps in the text box it breaks.
By breaks I mean, if there are 13 documents included in the link but only 8
can fit on the first line, that's all the link opens. Is there a way for me
to tell it to read the whole link.



The text box calls a function - here's the code of the function:
Public Function GetWebXtraDocumentURL() As String
GetWebXtraDocumentURL = GetFileNetWebServer() & "hdms/links.asp?
id=" & mstrCurrentLibraryLabel & FileNetIDs()
End Function

Public Function FileNetIDs() As String
Dim dbs As Database
Dim rst As Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strFileNetIDs As String

' Set dbs = CurrentDb
' strSQL = "SELECT Count(Distinct Name) AS CountNames FROM Orders;"
strFileNetIDs = ""
Set dbs = CurrentDb
strSQL = "SELECT tbltmprptTransmittalPaper.FileNetID AS FileNetID
FROM tbltmprptTransmittalPaper GROUP BY
Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
Do Until rst.EOF
strFileNetIDs = strFileNetIDs & rst.Fields("FileNetID") & ","
Debug.Print strFileNetIDs
Debug.Print rst.RecordCount
FileNetIDs = strFileNetIDs
End Function

I didn't actually write this code and I'm trying to fix someone else's
mistake (he's left the company).

Hope you can help. Thanks,

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