Text boxes make cursor skip bottom of page?



Version: 2008 Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) Processor: Intel Hello,

I'm a teacher and use a lot of text boxes in making worksheets. A lot of times, though, using text boxes messes up something with the page formatting. The margins don't change but when I get to about 2-3 inches above the margin, it skips to a new page. (This distance might actually be the height of my text box.) The only solution I have found is to copy and paste everything into a new document and put the text boxes in at the end, but I'd like to not have to do that.

Thanks in advance for any help!


The most significant point to make is that objects (such as Text Boxes) are
ancillary, improvisational convenience features in a Word document & should
be used sparingly. This is particularly true when they are formatted to
'float' (having some form of Text Wrap applied). If you're trying to
construct a document by relying heavily on them you will encounter any
number of challenges. IOW, you're trying to use a linear word processing
program to do page layout work by forcing it to consist of content which -
at least by strict definition - should not even be includable. We can kick
this football all over the field as to the 'whys & wherefores' in order to
get things to behave more to your liking, but even if you succeed there is
still the fact that they are unlikely to stay that way.

Rather than trying to fight Word [it *will* win] it might be better to take
a more amenable approach. One option may well be to use Tables rather than
Text Boxes. Another might be to use a different program altogether... One
that is designed to be object-oriented & is intended for freely positioning
those objects rather than having them attached to a text flow. You should
have even more simple success using Excel or PowerPoint if page layout /
desktop publishing software isn't available [or in the budget].

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