Text boxes, rulers, snap to



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: intel

In moving text boxes in 2004 you could grab the outline of the box and move it in eighth inch snap increments plus the rulers showed the location of the upper left corner of the selected bx while moving. Now in 2008 I'm not sure what the snap increment (if any) is and the rulers show the location of the cursor. The latter makes aligning objects from one slide to another very difficult. Is there some way to set the snap increment and or to have ther ruler display the upper left corner of the selected text box?


At least a couple of options:

1- Use View> Guides to turn on Static Guides & position them exactly where
you wish. They'll appear in the same locations on all slides since they're a
feature of the view. You can reposition them as needed. Keep in mind that if
you're dragging things you can be much more precise if you hold the Command
key as you do. Likewise, using the Arrow keys - with/without Command) is
much more acurate, or

2- For even better precision, use Format> Shape> Position & specify exactly
where you want the shape to be relative to one of the options in the
respective lists.

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