Text boxes, tables, cutting and pasting


Geoff C

Hi, currently using Word 2003

I'm annotating a document that contains tables, using text boxes. I copy
the boxes from a document with a similar but not identical layout for speed,
but sometimes (not always) when I try to adjust the positions, one or more
text boxes "vanish". They are still there somewhere, because they sometimes
(not always!) pop back up in the top left hand corner of the page.

I never had this problem with the previous version of word. I've tried
adjusting the advanced layout properties of the boxes before I copy them
across, but nothing seems to help. Can anyone suggest anything?

Many thanks,

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Geoff,

This is likely a corrupted Word document. Try using File=>Save as XML, close Word, start Word then reopen the .XML file and resave
as a .doc file.

The textboxes sometimes, internally, point back to themselves as the next place text flows to, rather than 'last' place text flows

Is this a document that was created or worked on in more than one version of Word?

Hi, currently using Word 2003

I'm annotating a document that contains tables, using text boxes. I copy
the boxes from a document with a similar but not identical layout for speed,
but sometimes (not always) when I try to adjust the positions, one or more
text boxes "vanish". They are still there somewhere, because they sometimes
(not always!) pop back up in the top left hand corner of the page.

I never had this problem with the previous version of word. I've tried
adjusting the advanced layout properties of the boxes before I copy them
across, but nothing seems to help. Can anyone suggest anything?

Many thanks,

Geoff C

That's a great tip, thanks. I've also discovered anchors, thanks to another
post. I think some of the problem might have been because boxes copied from a
files created in an old version of Word were anchoring themselves in
unexpected places within tables. Copying them to a new document probably was
not a good idea ! Think I've got the hang of it now. Thanks.

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