Deb M
My web page is showing different colored text in the left shared border
links. When I look at the site on my 2 different computers,they show
correctly, yet the web site owner says that he has had different phone calls
from people saying that the colors are purple and they can't see the links
but my computers show yellow, which is correct. How do I fix this so it
shows correctly on all browsers. Don't know what the other browsers are that
everyone is using. Not even sure if it is a browser problem New to this, so
need a little help please.
links. When I look at the site on my 2 different computers,they show
correctly, yet the web site owner says that he has had different phone calls
from people saying that the colors are purple and they can't see the links
but my computers show yellow, which is correct. How do I fix this so it
shows correctly on all browsers. Don't know what the other browsers are that
everyone is using. Not even sure if it is a browser problem New to this, so
need a little help please.