Text Columns Function



The data I am bringing in to Excel comes in two rows for a single record. I
need to reformat it so that all of the data is on one line. As there are
several thousand records, I need to do find a way to automate this.

Any suggestions?

מיכ×ל (מיקי) ×בידן

To my opinion it will be very difficult or impossible a solution if the
without having the Data in front of us.
However, you may try to record a Macro of the Cutting/Pasting the data from
the 2nd. row, up to the 1st. row and Deleting the empty 2nd. row.
All this should be "nested" within some sort of loop.

Don Guillett


Option Explicit

Sub putononelinepereach() 'assumes NO HEADER row
Dim lr As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim slc As Long
Dim dlc As Long
lr = Application.RoundUp(Cells(Rows.Count, 1) _
.End(xlUp).Row / 2, 0) * 2

For i = lr To 2 Step -2
slc = Cells(i, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
dlc = Cells(i - 1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column + 1
Cells(i, 1).Resize(, slc).Copy Cells(i - 1, dlc)
Next i
End Sub


the data is fairly simple:

1234 abcd xyz

I want the data piece "name" to be moved into the above row in its own cell.

1234 abcd xyz Name

When I bring the data in, I am using the "text to columns" function as it
all comes into column A only.

If you think a macro is the only way, can you instruct how to go about that?

Dave Peterson

3 columns
1 column
3 columns
1 column
3 columns
1 column
(and on and on and on)


I'd put this in D1:

Put this in D2:

Select D1:D2 (both cells!) and drag down as far as your data goes.

(Give it a glance to make sure that the data looks right before you continue.

Then select column D
Edit|Paste special|Values

Select column D (again if you have to)
Ctrl-g (or F5 or edit|goto)
Special|Check constants, but only check Errors (uncheck the other options).

This will change the selection to just the cells with errors.
Rightclick on one of the cells
Entire row

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