Can someone help me to clean up my criteria string, I need to count the
existence of cards that have a date span: sdate to edate. Any help
Idate = InputBox("What is the start date for this card use", conAppName)
Idate = Format(Idate, "dd\/mm\/yyyy")
Rcount = DCount("*", "tblcard_use", "[card] = '" & Icard & "' and idate
<> '" & "#sdate#" And "#edate#" & "'")
existence of cards that have a date span: sdate to edate. Any help
Idate = InputBox("What is the start date for this card use", conAppName)
Idate = Format(Idate, "dd\/mm\/yyyy")
Rcount = DCount("*", "tblcard_use", "[card] = '" & Icard & "' and idate
<> '" & "#sdate#" And "#edate#" & "'")