Text Field vs. Bookmark



Microsoft Word 2003 and 2000:

Recently, I designed a Word document that represents an
existing paper form. The form consists of many table
cells of different sizes to end up with the proper
appearance for the form.

Within one section of the form, I need to type a single
character (letter or number) into a quare box. I have
one set of 9 boxes, another set of 15 boxes, and two more
sets of boxes. When I put a text field into one of the
square boxes, the document gets longer because the text
field occupies too much space in each table cell. If I
insert a bookmark into one of the square boxes, the
document does not grow longer.

I would like to create this form so that end-users can
open this "blank" form and TAB from field to field to
fill-in the appropriate information.

Other than the square boxes, I can TAB from each of the
other fields just fine, without needing to create a user
form to perform "Insert Before" or "Insert After" with

What would someone recommend as a way for me to get user
entry to end up in each of the square boxes, one
character per square box?

I would like to leave the other fields as text fields
without needing a user form. However, if a user form is
the only way to handle the square boxes, I would prefer
to have all fields on my user form. I do not want to
have a combination of some fields on a user form, and
some fields not on a user form, unless the process is

Please advise...


Charles Kenyon

Create your fields and in the properties section limit them to a single
character. The default field has unlimited character space and shows room
for five characters in a blank field.

Charles Kenyon

See the MVP FAQ: <URL: http://www.mvps.org/word/> which is awesome!
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