Text file saving, setting file origin



I am having a problem when I save excel files as text, which is centre
around Russian Characters. The problem is too long to go into but i
involves one character changing, while all the others do not, whe
importing the text into another system (Microsoft Navision is th
system). All the characters import perfectly except for 'C' which come
in as 'T'.

I notice when I open text files in excel there is an option to selec
FILE ORIGIN. However when I save a file as MSDOS TEXT and open it i
tried to open it as WINDOWS ANSI. If I force it to File origin of MSDO
Text then it opens, and ALL my characters are perfect as I saved them.

Another user on another PC doing it for some reason it tried to open a
CHINESE even though the characters in it are russian Cyrillic.

My question is, does Excel some how set the format it thinks the fil
is at save time, and if so is there any way i can force it to save a
RUSSIAN CYRILLIC or some other DOS Standard? If I can force this an
work out which way to force it then maybe i can find a format tha
navision will import correctly

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