Text format as percentage



I have a userform that I use multiple times. When this form loads the first
time, I use the following code to format the text to a percentage:

Private Sub TextBox21_afterupdate()
If TextBox21.Value <> "" Then
TextBox21 = TextBox21 / 100
With UserForm1.TextBox21
.Text = Format(.Text, "0.00%")
End With
End If

however, if I ever focus back on that textbox, and then focus off, it
crashes the code. how would I add code that basically says "if the number is
already in percentage format, ignore the rest of this code"? (or is there a
better way to write the above code to fix this error all together?)


Rick Rothstein

Try replacing the first line after the If statement with this one instead
(leave the rest of your code as is)...

TextBox21 = Replace(TextBox21, "%", "") / 100

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