I have the same problem, but only since I puchased a new pc. And no Barb, the
discussion on the web address is not at all relevant to this problem. The
problem is the y axis title text box length is too short when the text is
entered in the y axis title box in the chart options dialog box. But I find
it is ok if a non true type font is used eg courier, fixedsys etc.
I also find the same problem when text is entered in a cell with 90
orientation and the row height is set automatically. Again the problem
appears only with True Type fonts.
This is a real pain for me as I generate most of my charts automatically. Of
course a work around is to add several blanks and a full stop on the end of
the label. But since I develop charts for other people, I do not want to do
I have tried uninstalling office 2003 and reinstalling. No change. I have
also been on several other pcs and do not find this problem. I have an LG
LW70Express which has a 15"x16" screen. The problem appears at all screen