
I have a report that has multiple text label fields in the detail section of
the report. Let's call one of those SubTot1. All the calculations are
working correctly.

Here's my problem. I put a text label field on the report footer. I called
that label GrandTotal. Then on the control source I put =Sum[SubTot1].

When I run the report now it brings up a message [SubTot1]. I click ok.
The report comes up and the totals are all in the detail section. But I have
no grand total displaying.

I've tried setting like over group or over all but I can't figure it out.

Any idea's.


Christos via AccessMonster.com

Vic said:
I have a report that has multiple text label fields in the detail section of
the report. Let's call one of those SubTot1. All the calculations are
working correctly.

Here's my problem. I put a text label field on the report footer. I called
that label GrandTotal. Then on the control source I put =Sum[SubTot1].

When I run the report now it brings up a message [SubTot1]. I click ok.
The report comes up and the totals are all in the detail section. But I have
no grand total displaying.

I've tried setting like over group or over all but I can't figure it out.

Any idea's.


in the footer text box.

In the data tab of the properties of the textbox on the footer (the one with
=[SubTot1]) select Running Sum > Over Group.

Duane Hookom

Can we assume you have a "text box" rather than a "text label"? Text boxes
and labels are two different types of controls.

If SubTot1 is a text box bound to a calculation you will not be able to sum
it. For instance, if the control source of SubTot1 is:
=Qty * UnitPrice
Then this won't work:
This will work:
=Sum(Qty * UnitPrice)
You should only need to use running sums when you need to total a value from
a group header or footer or some other rare instances.

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