Text mangled upon scrolling


Royce Herndon

Scrolling downward in Word documents using the arrow results in each line
text being sliced up horizontally as it appears at the bottom of the screen,
impossible to read or edit. This does not occur when dragging the blue
scroll bar handle or jumping down the page by clicking in the bar¹s white

MS Office 2004 for Mac (updated to 11.2.1 upon installation of Office two
months ago)
OS 10.4.4 (also occurred with 10.4.3)
15² Aluminum G4 PowerBook

Steve Hodgson

Scrolling downward in Word documents using the arrow results in each line
text being sliced up horizontally as it appears at the bottom of the screen,
impossible to read or edit. This does not occur when dragging the blue
scroll bar handle or jumping down the page by clicking in the bar¹s white

MS Office 2004 for Mac (updated to 11.2.1 upon installation of Office two
months ago)
OS 10.4.4 (also occurred with 10.4.3)
15² Aluminum G4 PowerBook

Do you get the same thing in page layout view? I get this frequently and
reckon that it is just Word as you don't see the same kind of thing in Nisus
Writer or Mellel.

It seems worse in normal view.



Clive Huggan

Some people are reporting this. Hitting the Page Down key, then the Page Up
key, should refresh properly.


Clive Huggan
Canberra, Australia
(My time zone is 5-11 hours different from the US and Europe, so my
follow-on responses to those regions can be delayed)

* A SUGGESTION -- WAIT FOR CONSIDERED ADVICE: If you post a question, keep
re-visiting the newsgroup for several days after the first response comes
in. Sometimes it takes a few responses before the best or complete solution
is proposed; sometimes you'll be asked for further information so that a
better answer can be provided. Good tips about getting the best out of
posting are at http://word.mvps.org/FindHelp/Posting.htm (if you use Safari
you may see a blank page and have to hit the circular arrow icon -- "Reload
the current page" -- a few times).

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