Text missing from email when using Send File to...


Robert Stokes

We have a customer with an unusual problem - well it's the 1st time we've
seen this happen!

When the user sends a file as an attachment direct from their Office
application (Word or Excel), they enter text in the main body so the receiver
knows what the attachments are for. When they send the file, this text
disappears (it doesn't even show from the Sent Items folder) but everything
else goes out ok.

If they create the email manually from Outlook and then attach the
individual files and add text to the message, it works fine.

They running Outlook with all updates and Service Packs applied and they
have an Exchange server as part of their Small Business Server. No-one else
on the LAN has this problem if they do the same process.

Is there a setting somewhere thats gone awry or are we best uninstalling and


Robert Stokes

Do I guess no-one else has had this problem?

Have done more testing...I've now uninstalled, ran the Office Cleanup tool
and then re-installed and it's doing the same.

If you create the email in plan text it works fine, if you create it in HTML
format then any text included in the body of the message is removed when
sent, even from the email stored in the Sent Items folder.

It only happens when they send the attachment from their Office app (Word or
Excel) if they create the email from Outlook and then attach the files it's


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