"TEXT" numbers - count problem


Len Dolby

Team position 1 is entered as '1 (i.e 1 preceded by a single quote) and
there's more than one numeric team position

When I try to "count" the number of occurrences of " '1 "in a data row
which includes both
text '1 and numeric 1 (score), Excel treats all cells as numeric.

How to count " '1 " and Numeric 1 in a data row, please ? Example -

A1 A2 A3 A4
'1 '1 1 COUNTIF(A1..A4,1 yields 3, (correct answer 1) and
I've yet to establish correct syntax
for counting "'1 " ( correct answer 2).

HELP please !

Tom Ogilvy



worked for me.

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