Text on picture moves



Good day,

We have placed text on a picture of our home page, which moves to the right
(outside the page) depending on what screen one views it on.

This is the link to the site: http://www.snorkelpark.com/. Text: ... the
place to be.

Please advise, how we need to add a text box properly to prevent it from

Thank you!


You are using absolutely positioned layers within a movable table cell.
The method you are using will always give problems, since the layer is
positioned wrt the top left of the page, and the cell can move wherever
it wants to (as the browser is resized and/or font sizes changed).

One solution is to place the layer in a relatively positioned div. Then
the layer will be placed wrt the new <div>.

<td colspan="9" background="images/snorkel_park_10.jpg">
<div style="position: relative;">
<div style="position: absolute; width: 322px; height: 124px; z-index:
1; left: 603px; top: 332px" id="layer1">
<font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#FFFFFF" style="font-size: 30pt">
...the place to be.</font><font face="Comic Sans MS" size="7"
<p align="left">
<img border="0"
width="779" height="505"></div></td>

The top and left attributes will have to be adjusted - the present
values will place the text way out to the right and below the correct
position. left:400px;top:50px; may be a better starting point.

Dan L

Another option besides changing the div from absolute to relative is to use
an image editor to place the text on the image and save it as a new image.
The advantage to this is that for those people who don't have Comic Sans MS


Hello Dan,

I appreciated your response and it seemed easier to do than the first
suggestion (at least for a novice).

I downloaded the photo program Serif Photo Plus 8 in order to have the
option to edit a picture and add a text to it. The challenge I am now having
is that I can't seem to access the file from Front Page. The file doesn't
show in the folder list when I try to insert it, even though I click on all

Do you have any suggestions? Or is there a particular easy to use photo
program you recommend?





I did as instructed: Downloaded the picture from our website, edited it in
PhotoPlus and saved it. Same problem though. When trying to insert it in
Front Page (Insert-Picture-From File), it doesn't appear as an option to
choose from.

Am I using a photo program that is not compatible with Front Page? What to
use best for editing?



Stefan B Rusynko

Open your FP site and then File Import the edited image before you try to insert it in a page


SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
"Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;

| Dan,
| I did as instructed: Downloaded the picture from our website, edited it in
| PhotoPlus and saved it. Same problem though. When trying to insert it in
| Front Page (Insert-Picture-From File), it doesn't appear as an option to
| choose from.
| Am I using a photo program that is not compatible with Front Page? What to
| use best for editing?
| Thanks!!
| Nadja
| "Dan L" wrote:
| > Download it from your site
| > (http://www.snorkelpark.com/images/Snorkel Park from above (600 x 450).jpg),
| > then edit it and save it (I recommend removing all spaces from the file
| > name). If you rename it, update your file to reflect the new name.
| >
| > "Nadja" wrote:
| >
| > > Hello Dan,
| > >
| > > I appreciated your response and it seemed easier to do than the first
| > > suggestion (at least for a novice).
| > >
| > > I downloaded the photo program Serif Photo Plus 8 in order to have the
| > > option to edit a picture and add a text to it. The challenge I am now having
| > > is that I can't seem to access the file from Front Page. The file doesn't
| > > show in the folder list when I try to insert it, even though I click on all
| > > folders.
| > >
| > > Do you have any suggestions? Or is there a particular easy to use photo
| > > program you recommend?
| > >
| > > Thanks!!
| > >
| > > Nadja
| > >
| > >
| > > "Dan L" wrote:
| > >
| > > > Another option besides changing the div from absolute to relative is to use
| > > > an image editor to place the text on the image and save it as a new image.
| > > > The advantage to this is that for those people who don't have Comic Sans MS
| > > > on their machines they currently see the text in Times Roman. If you edit
| > > > the image then they will definitely see Comic Sans MS.
| > > >
| > > > "Nadja" wrote:
| > > >
| > > > > Good day,
| > > > >
| > > > > We have placed text on a picture of our home page, which moves to the right
| > > > > (outside the page) depending on what screen one views it on.
| > > > >
| > > > > This is the link to the site: http://www.snorkelpark.com/. Text: ... the
| > > > > place to be.
| > > > >
| > > > > Please advise, how we need to add a text box properly to prevent it from
| > > > > moving.
| > > > >
| > > > > Thank you!

Dan L

Ensure your image editting program is saving the jpeg in RGB format and not
CMYK, then, as Stefan said, import the image into your FrontPage 'images'
folder before placing on the page.


Got it. Thanks so much.

Dan L said:
Ensure your image editting program is saving the jpeg in RGB format and not
CMYK, then, as Stefan said, import the image into your FrontPage 'images'
folder before placing on the page.

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