Text on Thumbnail



Using FP 2000. How is text placed on an image using thumbnails? When I placed text on an image, I'm unable to save as a thumbnail. Is there a work-around?

Thanks, Ken

E. T. Culling

You could make your thumbnail in your image editing program.
Using FP 2000. How is text placed on an image using thumbnails? When I
placed text on an image, I'm unable to save as a thumbnail. Is there a

Thanks, Ken

D Small

In your graphics program, after you lay on the text, you need to group the two
pieces and render them into a raster object first - then save it as jpg or gif.

Using FP 2000. How is text placed on an image using thumbnails? When I placed
text on an image, I'm unable to save as a thumbnail. Is there a work-around?

Thanks, Ken


Hi Ken,

As the others have mentioned..if you need the text to actually be on the
thumbnail..you are better off doing it in an image editing program. If it
can be either above or below..you can always put the thumbnail in a table
cell, and then input the text above or below it.

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Using FP 2000. How is text placed on an image using thumbnails? When I
placed text on an image, I'm unable to save as a thumbnail. Is there a

Thanks, Ken

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