Hi All
Is there any way to right a query so that it will look for the text string
in lower, UPPER and Proper?
I want to have a textbox - "TextEntry" - and regardless of what the user
enters I would like to run a query on both upper, lower and proper
variations of the text string.
Having trouble figuring this one out - I know you can use UCase and LCase
to convert TextEntry.Value to both lower and upper case strings that I can
pass to a query but I am not sure about proper and I am not sure if there is
a simple way to get this done.
Also - is there any way to pass a variable to a query - I mostly use Access
Query design view - and I cant seem to pass a variable to a query - just a
reference to a field on a form - Forms!CampaignRecords!TextEntry.Value.
Thanks for everyone's input and response,
Is there any way to right a query so that it will look for the text string
in lower, UPPER and Proper?
I want to have a textbox - "TextEntry" - and regardless of what the user
enters I would like to run a query on both upper, lower and proper
variations of the text string.
Having trouble figuring this one out - I know you can use UCase and LCase
to convert TextEntry.Value to both lower and upper case strings that I can
pass to a query but I am not sure about proper and I am not sure if there is
a simple way to get this done.
Also - is there any way to pass a variable to a query - I mostly use Access
Query design view - and I cant seem to pass a variable to a query - just a
reference to a field on a form - Forms!CampaignRecords!TextEntry.Value.
Thanks for everyone's input and response,