John Askins
The text search programs I've tried for OS X can't search multiple
Word .doc files for text strings, though they can handle .rtf files
fine. I don't want to convert my many .docs to .rtfs in order to
quickly search them, if I can avoid it.
(I should note that the .docs I want to search mostly originated in
Word for Windows. Not sure if this matters.)
Anyone know of an OS X text search utility that works on .docs? Or a
batch .doc-to-.rtf converter that doesn't require knowledge of Visual
Word .doc files for text strings, though they can handle .rtf files
fine. I don't want to convert my many .docs to .rtfs in order to
quickly search them, if I can avoid it.
(I should note that the .docs I want to search mostly originated in
Word for Windows. Not sure if this matters.)
Anyone know of an OS X text search utility that works on .docs? Or a
batch .doc-to-.rtf converter that doesn't require knowledge of Visual