Text to Fraction



I copied some fraction from internet which may be in text format, but there
is no single quote in front of them. How can I change them to fractions or
numbers by using VBA code. Could somebody please help.



Hi alan,

Really need to see a sample of the fractions. If it looks like this 1/2 then
it is easy. See example below. Otherwise not so easy.

celValue = ActiveCell

dividePos = InStr(1, celValue, "/") 'Position of division sign

dividend = Val(Left(celValue, dividePos - 1))

divisor = Val(Mid(celValue, dividePos + 1))

result = dividend / divisor



Niek Otten

Maybe you don't need VBA:

Format an empty cell as number. Edit>Copy. Select your fractions. Edit>Paste special, check Multiply.

Depending on what your fractions look like, they may also be converted to dates, so be careful.

Kind regards,

Niek Otten
Microsoft MVP - Excel

|I copied some fraction from internet which may be in text format, but there
| is no single quote in front of them. How can I change them to fractions or
| numbers by using VBA code. Could somebody please help.
| Thanks

Niek Otten

<check Multiply>

Make that:

check Add


Kind regards,

Niek Otten
Microsoft MVP - Excel

| Maybe you don't need VBA:
| Format an empty cell as number. Edit>Copy. Select your fractions. Edit>Paste special, check Multiply.
| Depending on what your fractions look like, they may also be converted to dates, so be careful.
| --
| Kind regards,
| Niek Otten
| Microsoft MVP - Excel
||I copied some fraction from internet which may be in text format, but there
|| is no single quote in front of them. How can I change them to fractions or
|| numbers by using VBA code. Could somebody please help.
|| Thanks

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