text trigger



have not been able to get text to function as trigger
Useing following have compile problem useing IsText say wrong argument
Have no trouble when useing numeric value.
Target column 12 will all ways have text in it. It is description cell

< = 0
also no go
If Target.Column = 12 And CDbl(Target.Value) > (" ") And
IsText(Target.Value) Then _
Call Announcer(Target)

Vergel Adriano

Is IsText a user defined function?

You'll also get a type mismatch error on this one:

CDbl(Target.Value) > (" ")

Is this what you're trying to do? :

If Target.Column = 12 And CDbl(Target.Value) > 0 Then Call Announcer(Target)

JE McGimpsey


With Target
If .Column = 12 Then _
If Application.IsText(.Value) Then _
If Len(Trim(.Text)) > 0 Then _
Call Announcer(.Cells)
End With


Thanks Much

Vergel Adriano said:
Is IsText a user defined function?

You'll also get a type mismatch error on this one:

CDbl(Target.Value) > (" ")

Is this what you're trying to do? :

If Target.Column = 12 And CDbl(Target.Value) > 0 Then Call Announcer(Target)


Belive it or not I got it by this

If Target.Column = 12 And Target.Value > (" ") Then _
Call Announcer(Target)
Simple once you find it

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