Text turns to picture when opening in PC



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel

Why does the text turn into a picture when I send my presentation created on my Mac to my superior's computer, which is a PC? When I check it on my Mac, all text boxes are fine. When my boss opens it on his PC, all the text boxes have turned to picture boxes. What gives?


How did you "send" it to your boss?

What file format did you save it as?

What version of Office is the boss using on his PC?

Without any of that information my "guess" is that you emailed it to him as
an attachment & that he's opening the attachment in the email message rather
than saving it to his HD first. Files on an email server can't be edited -
although sometimes it gives the appearance that they can.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


Well, I stick by my first guess :) If you're saving in the .ppt format the
text boxes should be editable if he's actually opening a PowerPoint file
rather than an attachment. Confirm that he has the OXML converters
installed, although they really shouldn't be needed for a .ppt file even if
it was created by 2007/2008.

However, it's also possible that there may be a network consideration that's
causing the file to open as Read Only. What shows in the title bar when he
opens the file?

Are you referring to text boxes you created with the Text Box tool, standard
placeholders supplied on the slides, Shapes that you added text to...?

You still haven't indicated *how* the file is getting to him so I can't
offer anything more than what I have already suggested.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

Steve Rindsberg

My boss uses 2003ppt. and I'm saving it as ppt. 2004 document.

Any PPT 2008 effects you've used, those that aren't compatible with
earlier versions of PPT, will be converted to pictures. The down-save
to earlier versions favors the appearance of your presentation in
earlier versions over editability.

If you need for the boss to be able to edit, you'll have to skip the
new eye-candy effects.

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