My guess is that your text has been converted to an image and that would
account for the 'jaggies'. Preview the page and try to left click, drag and
select the text. If you can't then it has been converted to an image. Or
better yet, Publish to the web and direct your site files to your computer
where you can find them, then open the .htm file with both IE and FireFox
and test. In some circumstances the text will be fine in IE but not in FF..
Also you can look in the index_files folder in thumbnail view. If the text
has been converted to an image you will be able to spot it as an image.
Arial Black is a web font so it should not be automatically converted to an
image like a non web font can be, so you need to look for a different
reason. As you can't provide a link to the site I can again only guess asto
why. If you are using a fill color in the text box remove it and see if that
helps. If you are using a fancy border, remove it and see if that helps. You
can try a different web font. Select the text > format > font and make sure
the option to 'Show only web fonts' is selected.
Size matters...but the main thing is to limit the use of images and make
sure they are compressed or optimized.
Reference: Compress Pictures dialog box (2007):
- Show quoted text -