Hello there 
I'm doing a UML class diagram in Visio 2002 for EA (have tried opening
in Visio 2003 for Office, same problem). I have a very long private
function in a control class (it has a LOT of parameters), 958 mm wide!
I've been banging my head for the last hour trying to find a way to get
the thing to wrap around rather than cause the whole class to expand to
958 mm, but to no avail. I've tried unlocking width and height on the
class object, but that doesn't seem to matter. It seems I've looked
everywhere for a "Wrap text" checkbox but noooo... Waaahh!! Help please!
I can't possible print a 958 pixel wide class!
I'm doing a UML class diagram in Visio 2002 for EA (have tried opening
in Visio 2003 for Office, same problem). I have a very long private
function in a control class (it has a LOT of parameters), 958 mm wide!
I've been banging my head for the last hour trying to find a way to get
the thing to wrap around rather than cause the whole class to expand to
958 mm, but to no avail. I've tried unlocking width and height on the
class object, but that doesn't seem to matter. It seems I've looked
everywhere for a "Wrap text" checkbox but noooo... Waaahh!! Help please!
I can't possible print a 958 pixel wide class!