Textbox Help



How can I get a textbox to populate other textboxes on a form when entering
numbers base on a table? I would like to key in the serialnumber in textbox1
and populate the other boxes base on other fields from that table.


John W. Vinson

How can I get a textbox to populate other textboxes on a form when entering
numbers base on a table? I would like to key in the serialnumber in textbox1
and populate the other boxes base on other fields from that table.



If you're trying to *store* fields from the table into some other table...
don't. Storing data redundantly is essentially never a good idea.

If you just want to display them, it's simpler to use a Combo Box to *select*
the serial number from its table. Include the other fields that you want to
see in the combo box's row source query, and put textboxes on the form with
control sources like


where n is the zero based index of the field you want to see.

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