Marc from Belgium
I have a form with a textbox where you can put in a number (or somthing
else). I want to convert the textboxvalue to a double. I use somthing like
this but it won't work.
on error resume next
LocalDbl = CDbl(StupidTextBox.Value)
if err.Number = not 0 then LocalDbl = 0
The types doen't match.
I don't understand what I'm doeing wrong.
Please give me a hint.
Marc From Belgium
I have a form with a textbox where you can put in a number (or somthing
else). I want to convert the textboxvalue to a double. I use somthing like
this but it won't work.
on error resume next
LocalDbl = CDbl(StupidTextBox.Value)
if err.Number = not 0 then LocalDbl = 0
The types doen't match.
I don't understand what I'm doeing wrong.
Please give me a hint.
Marc From Belgium