Textbox values


Chris Nebinger

Why would you want to save the value? You can alwyas get
it back.

Select Table1.IMEI, Table2.ModelNo From Table1 INNER JOIN
Table2 on right(Table1.IMEI) = Table2.LastNo

In your form, use =Dlookup("ModelNo","Table2","LastNo=" &

Chris Nebinger

-----Original Message-----
Let's say I have a table1 and form1
Table1 have IMEI Date and modelNo
Form1 have a textBox1 called IMEI and Textbox2 called ModelNo
I need TextBox2 to display a model number automaticaly
according to the number entered in TextBox1. The trick is
that the last 3 digits of the number entered in TextBox1
will determine the model number according to values in
Table2. Table2 has 2 fields ( LastNo and ModelNo)
Table2 looks like follows;
LastNo ModelNo
290 I95cl
120 i700
380 i730
100 i1000+
340 i205
180 i80s
220 i50sx

Now if I enter 100870249290 in the TextBox1 in form1 then TextBox2 will display "i95cl"
if I enter 200870249120 in the TextBox1 in form1 then TextBox2 will display "i700"

Also, Whatever value shows in textbox2 will have to be
recorded in Table1(Modelno field)

Chris Nebinger

Oops, should be:

Select Table1.IMEI, Table2.ModelNo From Table1 INNER JOIN
Table2 on right(Table1.IMEI,3) = Table2.LastNo

Chris Nebinger


I might sound stupid but I'm new with this stuff.
Can you be a little more specific where should I enter
the code you provided me.
Is it in Data or Event.
Thank you for your patience all.

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