Thank You! You are listening, especially the dyslexic and blind.


Carl Santy

To those, who like me, have handicappes appreciate the inventiveness of
people who care. If you are one of us, non-print people, please let your
voice be heard.

Electronic screen readers read where we can not. Thank You all for these
softwares: Electronic writers write where we can not. We dictate into our
microphone and the words magically appear. We are no longer prevented from
getting our doctorate degrees because of the language barriers we have faced
in the past. Thank you, people who are the "shakers and movers" in this
arena. We no longer face the lions of illiteracy and its stigma.

I shall enroll in honors ancient Greek language class next fall. HERE IS MY
dyslexic and blind: write these people and tell them your frustration(s).

Now, for my grievance. So far as I know there are no softwares that
highlight the word being read aloud IN THE ANCIENT GREEK LANGUAGE. If you
know of one please email me at (e-mail address removed)

To the inventive people on this site: If you could please help me I would
appreciate it very much. I intend to learn German after 2 years learning
Ancient Greek. I have accomplished learning Latin in two years. I will have
my requirements of three languages learned by graduation time. I can do
this with your help. Without it I will take forever to learn these languages.

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