I would like to thank all of you for helping me out when I was desperate. I
have just put my first web site on line after 6 months and starting from
buying a copy of frontpage 2003. YOu have all been a great help and I
wouldn't have done it without you. I would just like to ask one last
question - before I send out my link to everyone - if any of you has the time
could you look at my site and tell me if there are any glaring errors that
need sorting out beofre I get totally bogged down with people telling me they
can't do/see this or that.
My website is www.mountain-toursltd.com
Thanks once agin - you've all been great,
have just put my first web site on line after 6 months and starting from
buying a copy of frontpage 2003. YOu have all been a great help and I
wouldn't have done it without you. I would just like to ask one last
question - before I send out my link to everyone - if any of you has the time
could you look at my site and tell me if there are any glaring errors that
need sorting out beofre I get totally bogged down with people telling me they
can't do/see this or that.
My website is www.mountain-toursltd.com
Thanks once agin - you've all been great,