
  • Thread starter been dribbled to 2007
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been dribbled to 2007

As myMilestone for myParticipation in this forum, i have derived [without
knowing VB] a certain UDF for those who like to have a direct function on
getting the rounded products of multiple factors, maybe accountants or
auditors may need it by using excel program....

sum of factored [virgin or rounded] product :[positive or negative or both]

this is dedicated to Bob Phillips, Jerry Lewis and Gary''s Student. who
helped me sort it out.

Function mySPX(test, dec As Long, ParamArray rng())
Dim sConditions As String
Dim sRanges As String
Dim i As Long

sConditions = "--(" & rng(0).Address(False, False, , False)
sRanges = "ROUND(" & rng(0).Address(False, False, , False)
For i = LBound(rng) + 1 To UBound(rng)
sConditions = sConditions & "*" & rng(i).Address(False, False, , False)
sRanges = sRanges & "*" & rng(i).Address(False, False, , False)
Next i
If test = "POS" Then
mySPX = Evaluate("Sum(" & sConditions & ">0)*" & sRanges & "," & dec & "))")
ElseIf test = "NEG" Then
mySPX = Evaluate("Sum(" & sConditions & "<0)*" & sRanges & "," & dec & "))")
ElseIf test = "ALL" Then
mySPX = Evaluate("Sum(" & sRanges & "," & dec & "))")
End If
End Function
'for sum of negative products
'for sum of positive products
'for sum of both

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