That annoying "Draw Your Picture Here" box?


Tango Girl

In 2003, if I want to draw so much as a line, clicking on the tool gives me a
big Draw Your Picture Here box. I would like to draw line, fill boxes etc as
i did in previous Windows versions.

Anyway to disable the Draw Yor Picture Here box, or at least make it smaller?


A couple of options:

1- Once you create the shape you can press Esc to "hide" the canvas
temporarily, or

2- If you want to avoid the canvas altogether, go to Tools>Options>General
and clear the check for 'Automatically create drawing canvas...' - last one
before Measurement Units.

HTH |:>)

Tango Girl

Thanks Cyber Taz!

CyberTaz said:
A couple of options:

1- Once you create the shape you can press Esc to "hide" the canvas
temporarily, or

2- If you want to avoid the canvas altogether, go to Tools>Options>General
and clear the check for 'Automatically create drawing canvas...' - last one
before Measurement Units.

HTH |:>)

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