That darned .ldb file



Five of us use my .mdb at the office and as it is still relatively new I
regularly need to do fixes and upgrades remotely from home in the evening
when nobody is using it. I work on anything and everything i.e. tables,
queries, forms, reports, both the fundamental design and small enhancements.
It is not split.

However, quite often I am blocked by a spurious .ldb file - it says that the
app is in use but in fact everyone has logged off and gone home. It prevents
me from getting into Design mode to work on the .mdb. Very occasionally I
have found that I can delete the .ldb and then everything is fine, but
usually it won't let me.

Also, it lists the alleged users but this seems to be everybody!

Is there any way to work around this, or to kill the .ldb if you know that
in actual fact, it is completely erroneous?
Many thanks


I've seen a persistent LDB file when the application has crashed and one or
more users is still connected to the network. Usually when everyone is
completely off the file can be deleted. The contents won't accurately reflect
who is logged on if users haven't logged off properly. It will often contain
a list of the last bunch of users until the last one one logs off.

If you're sure everyone is logged off then you should be able to delete it
manually. I have often found that people who said they were logged off were
still logged on.

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