The adventure with Autosum



Refer to my pictures for what appears to be going on.

I typed in a simple column of numbers, very simple, selected them an
the blank cell below (as in picture 1).

Then I clicked the Autosum button:-
1) the number 20 appears in the blank cell where the sum was intended
20 is not the total for the selection.
2) the selection CHANGES to just the last 6 of the numbers and th
blank cell.
3) 20 is not the total for this new selection either.
4) Also, the first couple of times I fiddled with this the format o
the last cell also changes to text (for no reason).

So I have very little clue as to even what is the the question I wan
to ask. Probably something along the lines of "What the heck is goin

|Filename: excel2.jpg


My result is 21. So I am guessing that somehow, the 1 is converted to
text field of some sort. start a new sheet, make sure everything i
formated as General and run the experiement agai

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