The best to Excel-Word data export free tutor ?



Do you know good, easy free tutor connected with exporting data from
Microsoft Excel to Microsoft Word ?
I'm looking forward to your suggestions. Thanks



There are some reasonable examples in the Help files. It's not at all
difficult in any case. What are you actually trying to do?


I have several data in some cells in Excel. I'd like to transfer them into a
specific place in Word XP table by clicking one button either in Excel or in
Word document. I have no idea how to do it , that's why I am trying to find
something easy to understand about such a transfer.



Hi Peter,

This sounds as if you could get by with something that's no more complicated
than a few LINK fields.

To see what I mean:
1. Copy one of the source cells in Excel
2. Switch to Word and select the target position in the document
3. Use Edit|Paste Special, and select both the 'paste link' and 'Formatted
text (RTF)' options

Now, whenever you update & save the Excel file, you can have Word
automatically update the links whenever it's opened (see
Tools|Options|General), at print time (see Tools|Options|Print) or update
them on demand via Ctrl-A the F9.


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