The button between the X and the -



At the top right of each page are three boxes a X, and a -
, and the one in the middle has on page or two. Is there
a was to set your data base so that when I open up one of
my forms it will open to the preferance that I choose? It
always opens up to the one with one page, and I'd like to
make it open to the other one.

Van T. Dinh

Not sure from your description but it sounds like you want to open the Form
in "Restored" mode. In this case, use the statement:


in the Form_Activate Event.

Van T. Dinh

Using DoCmd.Maximize / Restore in the Open Event actually fires the Activate
Event. Sometimes, this creates undesirable behaviour especially if you have
code in the Load Event / Activate Event since the Activate Event will be
executed before the Load Event.

(not sure whether this happens in all or only some versions of Access).

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