Recently my ISP sent out an email saying that I am supposed to change my
email settings
from pop.sbcglobal.yahoo.com to pop.att.yahoo.com
from smtp.sbcglobal.yahoo.com to smtp.att.yahoo.com
They also requested that I set up SSL on ports for pop and smtp. I did that
and found that I couldn't get outgoing mail to work. I was not even able to
get it to work when I switched back the smtp server to original setting. In
the process of trouble shooting I installed another email client to see if
it was Outlook that was causing the problem. When Eudora opened it asked if
I wanted to make it the default email program and I said no. It didn't end
up working with any of the settings that I put it in. So I closed it and
opened Outlook and then Outlook asked me if I wanted it to be the default
and I said yes. After that Outlook smtp started working, EXCEPT that now it
always opens a window when it is going to send anything over the smtp that
"The server you are connected to is using a security certificate that could
not be verified.
The certificate's CN name does not match the passed value.
Do you want to continue using the server?"
And I say yes. But it doesn't remember the setting and I get the same
message about the CN name the next time I open Outlook.
One more thing: During the trouble shooting process, thinking that I had a
corrupted cerificate I did go into IE Options and in the Content tab I
selected "Clear SSL state". I can't remember whether I started getting the
CN name error message before or after I did that.
Anybody know what's going on here?
email settings
from pop.sbcglobal.yahoo.com to pop.att.yahoo.com
from smtp.sbcglobal.yahoo.com to smtp.att.yahoo.com
They also requested that I set up SSL on ports for pop and smtp. I did that
and found that I couldn't get outgoing mail to work. I was not even able to
get it to work when I switched back the smtp server to original setting. In
the process of trouble shooting I installed another email client to see if
it was Outlook that was causing the problem. When Eudora opened it asked if
I wanted to make it the default email program and I said no. It didn't end
up working with any of the settings that I put it in. So I closed it and
opened Outlook and then Outlook asked me if I wanted it to be the default
and I said yes. After that Outlook smtp started working, EXCEPT that now it
always opens a window when it is going to send anything over the smtp that
"The server you are connected to is using a security certificate that could
not be verified.
The certificate's CN name does not match the passed value.
Do you want to continue using the server?"
And I say yes. But it doesn't remember the setting and I get the same
message about the CN name the next time I open Outlook.
One more thing: During the trouble shooting process, thinking that I had a
corrupted cerificate I did go into IE Options and in the Content tab I
selected "Clear SSL state". I can't remember whether I started getting the
CN name error message before or after I did that.
Anybody know what's going on here?