the DoCmd.RunSQL method



How can I get at the results of a select statement? The
HELP just shows how to execute a SQL update command. I
want to find out the value of a column.... e.g., my SQL
command is as follows (colons are the syntax I would have
used in PowerBuilder embedded SQL.)

DoCmd.RunSQL "Select Period_Code into :strTempCode From
Periods where sort_order = :str_sort_Order"

fncPeriod_CodeinOrder = strTempCode

This, of course, doesn't work in VB. How would I do
this? Note - I'm not particularly experienced with SQL,
so please make responses detailed.

John Nurick

Hi Laurel,

Use something like this. Note the doubled quotes to get quote marks
round the string variable str_Sort_Order.

strTempCode = DLookup("Period_Code", "Periods", _
"Sort_Order = """ & str_Sort_Order & """")

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